Single European Service

Our offices are at
Cloister of San Domenico
Luca da Penne Square No.1
65017 – Penne (PE)



The SUE Project contemplates providing a Europe Desk service directly to the area on European Union (EU) issues and opportunities.

The services offered, aimed at citizenship, civil society, businesses and institutions, provide practical information and advice on the rights enshrined in European legislation as well as the opportunities that arise as citizens of member countries.

Key activities include actively promoting local and territorial debate on the EU and its policies by organizing events, seminars and workshops. In addition, the SUE promotes in schools and colleges information on EU policies and the functioning of EU institutional bodies through information and orientation actions. Another key activity is information and training on EU policies and opportunities, funding, and mobility for study, work and volunteering, and cultural exchanges. The SUE cooperates in the territory with other information networks, regional, national and EU, making available to users, public and private, the widespread dimension of the European network.

The Service unites the municipalities of Penne (lead), Loreto Aprutino, Montebello di Bertona, and Città Sant’Angelo. Its network starts from regional and chamber institutions to cross regional borders, through relationships with the main Contact Centers of Directly Managed Programs, to cross national borders through collaborations with European institutions. Fatuous collaborations have been activated with Special Agencies of Abruzzo Chambers of Commerce, European Associations for Local Democracy (especially ALDA) and the Abruzzo Region Office in Brussels.

The office is active at the Cloister of San Domenico in the municipal headquarters of the Municipality of Penne on Mondays from 9:00 to 12:00 and on Fridays from 9:00 to 12:00. For further information you can write to the Project Managers Dr. Aldo Di Fabrizio and Pasquale Odoardi at the email address or fill out the following contact form

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SUE Academy

If you want to take advantage of our training courses, contact us for a personalized plan.


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